Setting up a manual cook with your Anova Precision® Cooker

In just a few, easy steps, you can cook like a pro:

  1. Grab any vessel (metal, glass, or plastic all work) to hold your device.
  2. Remove your cooker from the box and secure the adjustable clamp onto it. Slide the clamp vertically, so that it sits underneath the display screen. Tighten it by twisting the top knob clockwise.
  3. Attach the cooker to the side of your vessel and tighten the clamp to the pot by twisting the lower knob clockwise so that the cooker is standing straight up (no need to tighten it too much).
  4. Fill the vessel with water so that the water is between the minimum and maximum water lines denoted on the metal skirt.
  5. Plug it in, set your temp by using the blue scroll wheel, and get cookin'!

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