How do I check and/or update my Oven App?

For either OS, you can see the current app version from the More tab under the General section.



Option #1: enable automatic updates for apps

  1. Open the Play Store and tap your profile picture on the top right
  2. Go to Settings, select Network preferences, and go to the Auto-update apps
  3. Select either of the first two options (Over any network or Over Wi-Fi only) to ensure your app is updated automatically.


Option #2: manually update the app in the Play Store

  1. Open the Play Store and search for the Anova Oven app.
  2. Click the Update button next to the app to install the latest version. (If you already have the latest version, you will see an Open button instead.)



Option #1: enable automatic updates for apps

  1. Go to the Settings app and select App Store
  2. Under the Automatic Downloads section, slide the toggle for App Updates to the ON position.


Option #2: manually update the app in the App Store

  1. Open the App Store and search for the Anova Oven app.
  2. Click the Update button next to the app to install the latest version. (If you already have the latest version, you will see an Open button instead.)



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